September 16, 2013

Clean Up

Saturday is the International Coastal Cleanup, an annual event that last year removed 10 million pounds of trash from shorelines worldwide by volunteers.  Go to for more info.

Everyday is clean up day for the American River Salmon Fishermen!
If you see Chris, give him a hand.

January 11, 2013

Winter Fishing

Happening now. 
Rain or shine. Come join us.

Happening elsewhere... American River Fisherman Josh makes his own fishing flies.  Got fur scraps?  Stray feathers, loose threads and thingumabobs?  Why not re-purpose trash into treasure!  We believe in saving dough and doing our part by recycling old stuff.  You should too.  Learn how!

November 6, 2012


American River Salmon Fishermen shirts are now available!  Just in time for Christmas!  Each one is hand screen-printed and designed by our very own co-founder Josh.  Call him to see what colors/sizes are available.

The Club is asking a $10 donation per shirt.  Our goal is to raise enough money for the American River Parkway Foundation to adopt a section of the river.  We appreciate your support.  Thanks!

November 1, 2012

Come on Down...

Come join the club.  Members have relocated downstream from the usual spot which is closed for the season.  Thanks to all who participated in yesterday's festivities.

Clean-up upstream!  We are surveying the river for debris.  If you snag Josh or Tony, please catch and release.

Discarded line can snag and harm people and wildlife and kill fish, turtles, frogs, birds and small mammals.  Leave the area cleaner than when you arrived.

The American River Fishermen do our part to protect wildlife and the environment.

Website update:
Contact Josh or Chris to submit your awesome pics and videos!  We will get them posted to the site.

October 31, 2012

Last Call!

Join us for the FINAL day of SALMON FISHING SEASON!

Find us out on the river.  Cop an official ARSF T-shirt for $10 donation.
Hand screen-printed by Josh.  Available in Red, Blue, Black & White.

Clean up starts tomorrow.

October 15, 2012

A Special Thanks...

The American River Salmon Fishermen would like to acknowledge the Department of Fish & Game for their contribution of cleaning supplies to our organization.

Thank you for your generosity and continued support.
We look forward to future collaborations.

High fives all around!

October 9, 2012

Upcoming Events.

Stay tuned for updates on our 1st American River clean-up day!  Coming soon.

Please help us raise money for cleaning supplies:

Thank you.

October 2, 2012


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